GO analysis with target genes for DEmiRNAs
Prepare a list of genes
After users have
identified a list of DEmiRNAs, users can perform GO enrichment analysis with these DEGs by clicking "Go to pathway analysis".
On the pathway analysis page, users can select all target genes (the
blue box) or select a subset of genes based on fold changes, p-values or number of DEmiRNAs reported to target at that that particular gene.
Users also need to select a gene set for analysis (Molecular function, Biological process or Cellular component)
After a gene list and gene sets are specified, users can start GO enrichment analysis by clicking on "Start".
GO enrichment results
TACCO provides the gene ratio distribution plot for enriched GO terms.
Users can download, zoom in, zoom out or reset the plot.
TACCO also provides the connected network plot for enriched GO terms.
Pathways sharing the same gene(s) are connected in the network plot.
Users can also download, zoom in, zoom out or reset the plot.
A directed acyclic graph presents the relationship between enriched GO terms is also generated.
Detailed information for GO enrichment analysis is listed in the table. Users can download the table.
Select another list of genes
Users can also go back to select DEGs all over again by clicking on "Choose another dataset".